
Publishing Articles in a Blog

When you have a blog the first thing comes to our mind is publishing articles most of us Google the wanted material and simply copy and paste it but this is strictly unrecommended as Google Adsense doesn't have ant sympathy publishers publishing Copyrighted contents or Non-Unique contents. Blogs having non-unique content are mostly not used by readers. Readers prefer to have a unique content written by someone(Even its non accurate). Never use technical terms while blogging it doesn't show off your knowledge. Use simple terms as the readers might not be so technical.

Writhing Content Techniques

1. Use Examples and statements like"Like":

While writing articles don't become so theoretical use "Example" statements and frequently use statements like "Like". This will increase ease of understanding the articles by readers.

3. Give your voice for it
While blogging its recommended to have your own suggestions on the article. Like if you are publishing an article for a particular Game. You can say what do you feel about the Game using adjectives like "Cool","Awesome","Fabulous" etc ..

4. Use Vivid Illustrations
Use simple illustration related to your post. This will also increase the ease of understanding the posts.

5. Add a short story related to it
You can add a very small story or quotes by someone related to the post.

6. Giving or Suggesting Further Reading
It is a simple way of make your post into a valuable one. Further reading refers to give hyperlinks related to the Post. The hyperlink can be Internal or External.
Internal means giving links to a URL(Post) which is yours only and related to your current posts.
External means giving information or full review given by another website. Example you have written a entry on Web 2.o and then giving its Wikipedia link as further reading.

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